By Raw Material

Material Comparison List for Diffuser Plates

Brief NameNameSpecific GravityHeat Distortion TempeatureWater AbsorptionRaw T/T%PriceCharacteristicsDisadvantage
PS Polystyrene 1.06 g/cm3 90℃ 0.05~0.1% 89% Low ‧Good hardness performance
‧Competitive price
‧Easy turn yellow under UV light
PMMA Polymethylmethacrylate 1.19 g/cm3 90℃ 0.40% 92% Medium ‧High light transmittance
‧Good weather/ UV resistance
‧Bad dimension stability.
‧Easy to absorb water and wrape
PC Polycarbonate 1.2 g/cm3 110~130℃ 0.15~0.2% 89% High ‧Good heat resistance
‧High anti-impact strength
‧Bad anti-scratch performance.
‧Easy turn yellow under UV light

How to choose by Material?

Brief NameUV ResistanceHeat ResistanceDimension StabilityGood Value for MoneyRecommend Product Model
PS     V V PA-90B, PA-75S2, PA-90S2
PMMA V       PAA-90SK, PAA-85S2K, PAA-75SK
PC   V     PC-90M, PC-80M
** V refers to Recommend Choice**
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